Bequest Language

As you put in place those documents that will tell your life story as well as distribute your possessions, please consider a gift to Brandeis University so that we can continue to have the positive impact on the next generations of those we serve.

A gift to Brandeis University in your will or trust gives you maximum flexibility
  •  Assets remain in your control during your lifetime should you need them. 
  •  Easy to arrange - If you don’t already have a will, consult legal counsel to prepare one for you. If you do have a will, a simple codicil can be added to create a gift benefiting Brandeis University.
  •  Revocable - A gift designation can be changed in the future.
  •  Possible tax savings - If your estate is subject to federal estate taxes your gift to Brandeis University may qualify for an estate tax charitable deduction.
Select the type of gift for your will or trust that works best with your estate plan

There are various types of estate gifts. Determine which works best for you.

  • General:  a gift of a dollar amount
    I give and bequeath to Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts the sum of $ _________.
  • Residual:  a gift of the remainder of your estate after all other distributions and administrative costs have been paid
    I give and bequeath to Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts ___% of my residuary estate.  
  • Restricted: for a specific program or initiative.    
    I give and bequeath to Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts the sum of $ _________ to be applied as I may request in accordance with the most recent directive that I may submit to the University, provided that the directive is in keeping with Brandeis policies then in effect and, if no such directive exists, to be used at the discretion of Brandeis senior leadership.  

Brandeis University 415 South St., MS-126, Waltham MA 02453. EIN 04-2103552